Exhibition: The marble ship - Project 6

The sixth project has been proposed by the architects Giuseppe Arcidiacono, Eugenio Burgio and Giancarlo Priori.
Find herebelow a short abstract from the author's report of the project; the complete original text (in Italian language) in PDF format can be read clicking on the side picture.
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... Project description All around, the river becomes more and more muddy and narrow; now that boats and houses built close to the water vanished, the embankments erected their blind walls: to hide a screaming vomit of sheet metal, that invades and transforms everything into an absurd cemetery of cars. Only sometimes the island become again a theatre, and the bridges its boxes and its gods. Images of the island that are arranged around, such as when the town was still able to live with its waters. ... So the project goes back over these places, and in this walk leaves other architectures to mark, without reassembling it, an old arranging of a ship.
At the island's prow the first machine is erected: it will be the ironic Grand Bar-Temple; or a triumphal shrine of Challe; ...
From the bank other stairs and passing lead from the outside to the inside of the island; ...
The building is as an aqueduct filled with houses, except on the attic where the foliage of the trees and the roofs at the back still can be seen.
At the island's stern the last machine is erected: a theatre of the winds; that looks through the palafittes the distant and unchanging scene of the Rotto bridge. When the water level will increase also this could be submerged.
It is, therefore, an emotional design, as all the architectures of waters and among waters, a design that does not confine, but is going to be steered and wrapped up by the dynamic nature of the water, when it, in spate, will flood the cryptoporticus of the big building with loggias, will invade the ground floor of the prow pavilion, and will redesign, in the captivity, the outline of the theatre-square at the stern.

1. Study for the Tiber island

2. The big building with the loggia, elevation, plan and internal elevation

3. Elevation, plan and axonometric of the pavilion

4. The theatre 

5. General plan

6. Plan of the theatre

From: AAVV "La nave di Pietra" - catalogue of exhibition at Rome Oct.22th-Nov.27th 1983; Electa - 1983
Text and pictures © Gruppo Editoriale Electa - Milan

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