Exhibition: The marble ship

Within the exhibition "La Nave di Pietra - storia, architettura e archeologia dell'isola Tiberina" [The marble ship - history, architecture and archaeology of the Tiber island], promoted by the Regione Lazio and held at the Tiber island from October 22nd to November 27th 1983, a limited number of architects, selected according judgment and generational criteria, have been invited to elaborate new proposals for the island.
They have been supplied with historical-iconographical documentation, pictures, reconstructions and old photos  besides detailed scale drawings of the present situation of the island. To all of them it has been required a participation  aimed to make the island more usable and to improve its image; they have been required to supply solutions for the traveling through the island mainly for the areas near the river, promoting pedestrian facilities and alternative use by means of exhibitions, shows and collective activities.
After a quarter of century the proposed projects, even if dated, may still be an opportunity for discussion, and represent a whole of ideas and solutions either for  public administrators and for specialists.

The projects showed at the exhibition are the following:
Project 1: Architecture for the island between memory and genius loci by Paolo Portoghesi
Project 2: A future for the Tiber island and the Tiber river by Alessandro Anselmi, with the contribution of Andrea Salvioni and Roberto Ugolini
Project 3: The renewal of the tiberine wood by Franco Purini, with the contribution of  Elisabetta Bucci, Gianfranco Neri, Renato Partenope, Elio Pitzalis, Philippe Raymond, Marcello Sestito and Giordano Tironi
Project 4: Proposal for the arrangement of the banks of the Tiber island by Pierluigi Nicolin, with the contribution of  Giuseppe Raboni and Nobuko Imai
Project 5: Survey and redrawing of the Tiber island by Antonello Sotgia and Rossella Marchini
Project 6: Architecture in the waters by Giuseppe Arcidiacono, Eugenio Burgio and Giancarlo Priori
Project 7: An idea for the Tiber island by Giuseppe Pasquali, Alfredo Passeri, Pasquale Pinna and Pierluigi Porzio, with the contribution of Stefano di Stefano and Fabrizio Tarquini

The original texts and the pictures, from the catalogue of the exhibition "La nave di Pietra"
published by Electa - 1983, are shown in the following pages of this section. (© Gruppo Editoriale Electa - Milan)