The Exhibition

 The Hospitals of the
From Febbruary 22nd to March 22nd 2005 at the Tiber Island it has been held the exibition "L'Isola degli Ospedali. Medicina e solidarietà nel cuore di Roma" [The Island of the hospitals. Medicine and solidarity in the hearth of Rome], organized by the Hospital St Giovanni Calibita Fatebenefratelli and the Israelitish Hospital in Rome.
Through photographs and documents, the exibition related the tradition of medical assistance and health that characterizes the Tiber Island for many centuries: a series of posters connected, through the square, the Fatebenefratelli and the Israelitish hospitals, while in the open spaces inside the two structures were projected documents relevant to the history and the medical tradition of the Tiber Island.
Among the pictures exposed, some panels show the present arrangement of the hospitalsThe poster of the
                    exibition, explaining how they kept the original tradition and religious vocation adapting themselves, in the same time, to the sanitary changes in order to offer a more and more qualified service.
The particular hospital tradition of the Tiber Island, that date back to the III century b.C., has been emphasized by the Rome mayor Walter Veltroni as follows: "... the closeness between the two hospitals is not only physical, but represents the evidence of a real brotherhood and the situation that has been experienced here testifies the coexixtence of the double dimension, past-present, that represents one of the characterizing elements of the town."
Thanks to the kindness and collaboration of the responsibles of the hospitals it has been possible to publish the complete graphic documentation exposed in the exibition, so that it continues on this website for all those which have not the possibility to visit it.
(The texts of the exibition panels are in italian language only)

Thanks to the Hospitals for their courtesy in providing the exibition images.
All the pictures published in this section are property of the S.Giovanni Calibita and Israelitish Hospitals; their use or publication is allowed for not commercial or non-profit  purposes only, with indication of the source. For every other purpose it is necessary to get a written authorization to be required to the Hospital Management.

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