The Tiber level at Ripetta


The Tiber level at Ripetta 

On the website of the Ufficio Idrografico e Mareografico [Hydrographic and Tidal Office] of the Lazio Region it is shown, with a max delay of one hour,
the Tiber level recorded at the Ripetta bearing station. The page shows furthermore the records of the last ten days every half an hour.

The results, which will open in a new window, are graphically summarized at the bottom of the page in a chart updated in real time.

Using a button at the left top of the page with the MSExcel logo, it is also possible to export and save the data in Excel format.

This is the link: Tiber level at Ripetta

These are the coordinates (UTM 33) of the Ripetta bearing station:

East 290534 - North 4642313 - Elev.asl 45m