Website history

April 2016
Created the new section Video and added the page "The island on France3"
March 2016
Added the new picture section "The G.B.Piranesi engravings" with 13 new images
June 2014
Added in the section "Library" the page "Self Publish" relevant to the books written and self published by the website author.
Added in the section "Paintings and graphics" the page "Ponte Fabricio and the Massacre of the Innocents" including 4 new images.
February 2014
Rearrangement of the main index structure.
Added in the new section "Cult places" the page "The Tempio dei Giovani Panzieri-Fatucci" including 8 new images.
March 2013
After a long inactive period with no new publications the Website has been completely rewritten in a more actual graphic arrangement and more technically reliable. The new isssue celebrates the 15th years on the web!!!
December 2010
Added, in the section "Curiosities-Utilities", the page "The Tiber level at Ripetta" with a link to the website of the Ufficio Idrografico e Mareografico [Hydrographic and Tidal Office] of the Lazio Region that shows in real time the Tiber level.
November 2010
Added the monograph "The Brotherhood of the Sacconi Rossi" in the section News and Monographs. Added 8 new images.
Added the monograph "The Elevator" in the section Projects for the Island. Added 7 new images.
Total images number: 586
February 2010
Added the monograph "Installation at the Island: FRONTIER by Doug Aitken" in the section Projects for the Island. Added 8 new images.
Total images number: 571
January 2010
Added the new monograph "The Aemilius bridge"  in a new Section relevant to the Island and the Bridges. Added 7 new images.
Total images number: 563
Added the page "Contacts and references"  including all the Contacts relevant to this Website and the References of the Business and the Concerns located in the Island.
Added in the section "Today at the Island"  the pictures of the flooding of January 8th-9th.
June 2008
The website in online since 10 years!!!
May 2008
Added, in the section "Curiosities-Utilities", the page "Movies at the Island" which shows some trailers with the island as stage place or as background.
October 2007
Added, in the section "Curiosities-Utilities", the page "Who governs Rome": a table including the names of the authorities governing Rome in order to make easier the time reference of the events in the centuries.
August 2007

Added in the section "The Hospitals" the monograph "The completion of the Assunta Hall" with 2 new images
Total images number: 556
July 2007
Added the new picture section "The island in the pictures of Fratelli Alinari" with 14 images published on permission of "Fratelli Alinari"© in Florence
Total images number: 554
For the first time more than 6000 unique contacts in one month (to at least one page - reloads excluded) have been recorded 
June 2007
Updated the "Today at the Island" area
March 2007
For the first time more than 5000 unique contacts in one month (to at least one page - reloads excluded) have been recorded 
More than 43000 unique contacts (reloads excluded) to at least one page have been recorded within the last 12 months

February 2007
Added one abstract to the "Text archive"
January 2007
Added one abstract to the "Text Archive" and one to the "Articles archive"
Updated the Bibliography in the "Library" section
November 2006
100000 unique contacts to at least one page (reloads excluded) have been recorded, 40000 of which in the last 12 months
Added the access to the island by means of GoogleMaps and GoogleEarth in the section "Curiosities-Utilities" 
Added 7 projects shown at the exhibition "La nave di Pietra" in the section "Projects for the island" with 44 new images
Total images number: 540
September 2006
Added the new monograph "Origin and geology of the island" with 5 new images
Total images number: 496
Added three abstracts to the "Articles archive"
August 2006
For the first time more than 4000 unique contacts in one month (to at least one page - reloads excluded) have been recorded 
Almost 39000 unique contacts (reloads excluded) to at least one page have been recorded within the last 12 months

May 2006
Added in the section "The Hospitals" the monograph "The Jewish hospital" with 11 new images
Total images number: 491
Redesigned the Guestbook software
April 2006
Added one abstract to the "Text archive" and updated the "Bibliography"
Modified the monograph "Fatebenefratelli hospital" and added  one new picture
Added in the section "Curiosities" the page "The island in coins" illustrating the representations of the symbols of the island on the Roman coins; 24 new images included.
Total images number: 480
March 2006
Added two rare articles (dated December 1900 and relevant to Tiber embankments) to the "Article archive" section
Updated the Links in the "Library" section
Added the new picture section "Grand Prix de Rome" with 10 new images
Total images number: 455
February 2006
The website becomes a member of the Ring "ROMA AETERNA", powered by WebRing, with the purpose to connect quality websites concerning Rome and roman civilization
Updated the Bibliography in the "Library" section
Added one abstract to the "Text archive"
(Patouillard-inizio 1900) Added images et the section "Island and art"
Total images number: 445
January 2006
Added the new monograph "The St.Bartholomew's Basilica" which will consist of 6 sub-sections. The first 5 published include 33 new images
Total images number: 442
December 2005
Added the Chronology of the events relevant to the Island in the "News and Monograph" area
Updated the "Today at the Island" area
The Forum has been replaced with the Blog
November 2005
For the first time more than 3000 unique contacts in one month (to at least one page - reloads excluded) have been recorded 
More than 29000 unique contacts (reloads excluded) to at least one page have been recorded within the last 12 months
October 2005
Added 2 abstracts to the "Text archive" (Moroni-1855 and Valesio-XVIII century) relevant to Fatebenefratelli
September 2005
Added the new section "The Fatebenefratelli hospital" to the area "The hospitals"; 15 new images added
Total images number: 409
April 2005
Opened the new area "The hospitals" publishing the 54 tables shown in the exhibition "L'isola degli ospedali - medicina e solidarietà nel cuore di Roma" [The island of the hospitals - medicine and solidarity in the Rome heart] held in the Island from February 22nd to March 22nd 2005
Total images number: 394
Added 2 abstracts to the "Text archive"
February 2005
Added the new section "Articles archive" including 3 texts
Added the new page "Ab Urbe condita...b.C.": utility to correctly convert dates from Rome foundation to Christian era
January 2005
Added the new monograph "The marble ship" with 13 new images
Updated the "Authors biography" section
Total images number: 340
December 2004

Added 4 abstracts to the "Text archive" and updated the Bibliography
October 2004
More than 17000 unique contacts (reloads excluded) to at least one page have been recorded within the last 12 months
Added the Website Search engine by PicoSearch
September 2004
For the first time more than 2000 unique contacts in one month (to at least one page - reloads excluded) have been recorded 
Added one 1872 picture and two 1685 and 1826 paintings
Total images number: 327
June 2004
Updated the "Today at the Island" section
April 2004
Added 9 abstracts to the "Text archive"
Total images number: 324
February 2004
Added the new monograph "The Tiber flow at the island - the new mobile threshold" with 21 new images
Total images number: 323
Added Forum
Added one new abstract to the "Text archive"
January 2004
Redesign of the Home Page and reorganization of the Website index
Complete reorganization of the Images in two new separate sections for photos and graphics
Rebuilding of the photographic sections relevant to the Tiber Island and Ponte Elio (Rotto) and addition of many new images
Addition of the new section "The island in the art" that includes paintings and etchings starting from the XV century and elements of contemporary art
Addition of the "Site Map" page
Added 46 new images altogether; the total images number is now 302
December 2003
Added the new picture section "The Ettore Roesler Franz paintings" with 10 new images
Added 9 abstracts to the "Text archive"
Updated Links
Added two new maps, including the Septimius Severus FUR 
Total images number: 256
November 2003
Added the new picture section "The Sacconi Rossi procession"
Total images number: 244
October 2003
Added one the new overview in the "Looking around" section
July 2003
Added the new section "Projects for the Island"
Added the new page "Today at the Tiber island" including present events at the island
Added 2 old images of Ponte Fabricio and 1 of Ponte Rotto
Total images number: 232
June 2003
The website in online since 5 years!!!
May 2003
Added the new section "Texts archive" including 11 abstracts
Added the new picture section "The G.Vasi engravings" with 16 new images
Total images number: 229
The Domain is one year old: in the last year about  6000 contacts have been recorded
April 2003
Added 14 new maps, 8 of which of XV century and one dated 1320
Total images number: 213
March 2003
Added the new monograph "Embankments" with 9 new images
Added Disclaimer
Total images number: 199
On March approx 1800 unique contacts (reloads excluded) to at least one page have been recorded
February 2003
Modified the structure of the website index to "pop-up" mode
Added the new monograph "Tiber mills at the Island" with 12 new images
Added the new section "Bibliography"
Total images number: 190
On February more than 800 unique contacts (reloads excluded) to at least one page have been recorded
November 2002
Added the new section "The isle is also..."
Added 6 new maps, 5 of which of XV century
Added the second page of Tiber Flooding
Total images number: 178
October 2002
Modified the "Looking around" section: no more need to install Quicktime
Added new images: total images number: 153
September 2002
Added the new section "Marble plaques", and begin of the second page of the Isle Maps and third page of Aerial Views
Added 13 new images of Ponte Cestio and 5 of Ponte Rotto
Added the new section "Looking around"
Total images number: 148
August 2002
Added new images: in particular the second page of the Aerial Views dedicated to photos by J.H.Aronson
Total images number: 109
May 2002
The Isle finally has a dedicated its own Domain:
Personalized the Visitor Counter display
April 2002
Added two new sections: "Tiber floodings at the Isle" and "2000 Jubilee works"
Total images number: 85
September 2001
Re-start of activity on the Website: completed the english translation of News-Places
October '99
Pages arranged in a Frames structure
Added two new sections: "Isle maps" and "Aerial views"
Total images number: 73
September '99
Activated "What's new - Pictures" section
Total images number: 65
July '99
Added News relevant to Places and Authors (Italian version only)
Added personal information about the Website author
June '99
Complete re-design of the Website
Added two new sections: "Ponte Fabricio" and "Ponte Cestio"
Total images number: 56
Added sensitive map for link to various sections
Added WEB "Search" facility with Virgilio e Arianna engines
Added "Site history"
The Website is now One Year old !!!!
April '99
Added further Isle images
Added new "Ponte Rotto" section
Total images number: 41
March '99
Added English version: form now the Website is bilingual
Added Guestbook
February '99
Over 10 Isle images added
Images arrangement re-designed and caption added
First mentions on search engines
June '98
Creation of first HomePage including 7 images of Isola Tiberina
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